martes, 22 de diciembre de 2009

Vuelva y Juega!! El narcopresidente desviando la atencion sobre asuntos de importancia con chistes flojos de temporada navidena que por supuesto sus periodistas prepago (perros labradores) se los creen y celebran

Lo que la galeria, la caverna y la godorria colombiana no ve o no quiere ver.......Otro articulo en la prensa internacional sobre los mecanismos de distorsion de la realidad que usa el narcopresidente Uribe y que sus medios prepago estan prestos a difudir como verdad.......o como un chiste, en este caso!! 

Colombia confounds Press Corps With Hee-Larious Seasonal Joke! (From BovRev.Net)

As you know, the Colombians recently struck a deal to turn their military bases over to U.S. control. This has been "very controversial" in the region, because of "history". Things got even more controversial-y this weekend when Colombia announced it would build a brand new military base right there on the Venezuelan border. And then holy crap when Venezuela sighted what appeared to be an unmanned spy plane entering its territory, well you can imagine.
When asked about that spy plane by the media, the Uribe administration deftly lightened the mood, with a delightful holiday-themed joke:

"Colombia doesn't have that capability," said [Defense Minister Gabriel] Silva. He quipped that perhaps "Venezuelan soldiers mistook Father Christmas' sleigh for a spy plane."

Hahaha! You see how that worked? He never answered the question, but it simply didn't matter anymore because he gave the reporters a good chuckle and a "hook" with which to file their stories! And the editors were happy because haha whatever, right? Newspaper people are basically Labrador retrievers.

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